Bloodborne Multiple Save Slots
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The upcoming Hard Mode in Breath of the Wild will have its own save slots. Starting a Hard Mode (or Master Mode) run will allow you to keep the save file from your Normal Mode playthrough. The new mode is a part of the upcoming Master Trials DLC, coming out on June 30th.

But you can copy a save file to a flash drive and reload it again after deleting the newer one on your PS4 drive. It's a workaround, but that's the only way. View entire discussion ( 12 comments). You see, you can kind of only have one save file going at a time, which is different than before, where Nintendo had three save slots available right from the start. However, there is a way to have multiple save files in the game, letting you restart your adventure, or have a save where you just kind of mess around. I've tried copying and pasting that screenloadsaveslot as 'screenloadsaveslot1', 'screenloadsaveslot2', etc. But that didn't seem to work. Thanks for reading! Here is my full code for reference! I've also attached a screenshot of what the Save/Load screen looks like currently, if it helps.
A Save Game class that houses all the player data and a Save Game class purely to remember the names of the profiles. I've set it up so that the user enters their name and it is saved permanently. The main issue is having multiple save slots.

One of the major complaints surrounding Zelda BOTW is the fact that starting a new game completely erases your previous save file. If you want to start a second playthrough, you have to create a new Nintendo Switch or Wii U profile. This design decision has baffled everybody that has played the game, and has probably caused several broken controllers worth of damage at least.
The upcoming Zelda Breath of the Wild Master Trials DLC will introduce a new Hard Mode, or Master Mode, among other things. Players have shown a bit of apprehension, since they were afraid that starting a Hard Mode run would erase their previous save files. However, that won’t be the case. Hard Mode will use a completely separate save slot, according to Nintendo UK’s website (via Polygon).

Master Mode will be a true treat for hardcore players. For starters, you can only make two save data slots, where the normal game allowed six. Also, all enemies will start off as more powerful versions of themselves (read: no Red Bokoblins, you’re starting off with blue). Also, enemies will spot you more easily, and will slowly regain health.
The other contents of the Master Trials DLC include the Korok Mask (which alerts you when a Korok is nearby), the Travel Medallion (allows for easier fast-travel), The Trial of the Sword, Hero’s Path (marks where you’ve been on the map), a bunch of new outfits, and more.
The Master Trials is the first of two DLC packs planned for Breath of the Wild. The second one is The Champion’s Ballad, coming out this holiday season.
zachillios wrote:LIT wrote:Bloodborne Multiple Save Slots Games
zachillios wrote:
New here, and in need of a bit of help.
Did do a bit of hex editing way back so not completely out of the loop here but I seem to be having issues with this game.
When exporting the file (from save wizard export function), I dont think I need to decrypt it, from what Ive read anyway,
or am I wrong?
And if so what program should I use to do decrypt/encrypt the save file?
It is confusing me quite a bit, cuz I have been able to use advance editing on my save but none cant find any of the values given in the multiple spreadsheet and tutorials here.
Also did some testing, went on the game unequiped everything (note that my character has 5 playthrough, lots of items and gear near 300hrs or so, wich make for a well filled savefile) and sold ALL my gems even unequiped those I used to sell em. After that, could find pretty much anything I was searching for (except for 2-3 high end cold blood and runes) Do the gems mess up the savefile structure that much???
Otherwise Id like to have some sort of a 'say map' as to how the save is structured, seems to me like the character name appear almost at the top with what I assume would be the face feature sliders id, then not sure about the rest, mainly looking for inventory, stash, and equiped item, stats I could find, but is there any markers of sort that separate each section?
Problem is after tweaking a few quantities for these items, the modification did not stick on the save, when goind on ps4 to transfert save time stamp show pre-editing time, what am I doing wrong, is advance editing even still working on that game?
I know its a big post sorry about that, but Iive spent a whole day searching through forums, testing stuff trying to edit ids and values in my savefile and cant get any results so at this point any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Bloodborne Save File
Yes I did indeed modified it from an external program when I finally manage to make sense of the file (when I sold all the gems I had on the save), then saved and imported back. I could verify it as I made sure the changes made were still there after importing the file onto save wizard, thing is the changes didnt take place when back into the game, I had maxed out the amount of blood rock in the stash and yet I still have only 6 of them in game! I wonder did they added checks for amount of items carried and in the stash?edit; Just though of something, I notice that no matter how many items I have on my character, the save always seem to be the same sizes, makes me wonder could it be that because I have so much weapons, armor and gems, and that the file doesn't grow in size. There is some sort of a compression system taking place? As I mentioned before when selling all gems (witch is probably over 500 of these, yeah stupid of me, but I hate micromanaging inventory and no way of getting rid of these in batch so never bothered with em...) I could find pretty much anything I was searching for... although the changes made still not stick in game, but that was a start, might have simply changed too much at once!Your file shouldn't change in size, you're only editing slight numbers. But what game are you editing, Bloodborne or Dark Souls?
and now seems im doin worst than before, somehow my file has become cryptic... cant find any values whatsoever, checking in game searching using spreadsheet, nothing adds up, even trying to find stuff by quantities get me nowhere.... that is very odd.