Extreme Roulette Ffxiv
Duty roulette is an activity that can be undertaken daily for rewards of Allagan Tomestones, Gil, and Grand Company Seals.Upon reaching the necessary level, a player may select a particular Duty Roulette section and be matched into an appropriate instance. Part of the idea is to give skilled players incentive to do the roulette and help out newbies similar to the current trial roulette. The nature of ex does make it more tedious with newer people, so maybe an even higher reward than expert roulette would be in order. Thoughts on: duty roulette; trial extreme? A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG 'Final Fantasy XIV Online', also known as FFXIV or FF14.
© Provided by GamePurThe Duty Roulette in Final Fantasy XIV ensures that most content remains relevant for years to come. Several of the game’s dungeons, trials, raids, and PvP encounters are each separated into their own category on the first page of the Duty Finder. You can then queue up for any specific category, or roulette, joining any duty among the ones available. Within each roulette, the specific duty you land is random. You’ll earn additional rewards per day for each roulette, such as gil, Allagan tomestones, and company seals.
Patch 5.4 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes.
Duty Roulette categories
© Provided by GamePur Image via Square EnixExpert: The highest-level story dungeons. This roulette offers the largest bonus of the weekly-capped Allagan tomestones. There aren’t many dungeons to choose from here, easily making things repetitive after a while.
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Level [XX] Dungeons: Currently level 80 in Shadowbringers, this is traditionally where the other level-capped story dungeons are. Any dungeons with a lower item level requirement than the Expert batch, you’ll find them here.

Level [50/60/70] Dungeons: These contain all of the level-capped story dungeons at the lower tiers. During A Realm Reborn, these level 50 dungeons used to be Expert ones; during Heavensward, these level 60 dungeons were the Expert ones, and so on.
Leveling: All leveling dungeons available at your current level. This is a real dice throw, as you could land in Sastasha, the level 15 dungeon, at level 79 for example. But the roulette will give you additional rewards for any level discrepancies.
Trials: All non-extreme level difficulty 8-man trials, starting from level 50.
Main Scenario: This roulette only contains two level 50 “dungeons,” Castrum Meridianum and the Praetorium, as the final main scenario capstones from A Realm Reborn’s story. To facilitate new players, the cutscenes in these dungeons are unskippable. Veteran players can rush through the bosses, but they will have to sit through all cutscenes with everyone else. However, there’s a hefty experience points bonus at the end for your patience.
Guildhests: This contains the rarely-used guildhest content aimed at beginners. Guildhests teach players the most basic aspects of combat. The rewards from this roulette sadly aren’t too impressive.
Alliance Raids: You’ll find all 24-man alliance raids here, except for when a new one first releases. While we say “all,” it is frustratingly common to land in the level 50 alliance raids over and over. Getting certain level 70 raids is a toss-up between a nice, clean run or an agonizing wipefest. But the nice bonus reward of weekly-capped Allagan tomestones makes the risk worth it.
Normal Raids: This roulette has all of the non-savage 8-man raids, excluding the level 50 Coils of Bahamut series from A Realm Reborn. When a new raid tier releases, you’ll find these fights within right after you clear them.
Mentor: There’s also the Mentor roulette. For players who achieve the Mentor status, they have the option of queueing into this roulette to help others. It contains every fight in the game, including extreme-level primals from previous expansions, and excluding savage or ultimate-level raids. You could get absolutely anything, from a random low-level guildhest to one of the more punishing extreme primals. The Allagan tomestone rewards are pretty sad compared to other roulettes, but running this does count toward your achievement rewards for Mentor-exclusive titles and mounts.
Frontline: Finally, there’s the Frontline PvP roulette. This cycles through the available Frontline matches, listed under the Information section of the duty description. Whichever one is listed there will be the one you get. This changes daily. It’s a nice way to rack up extra Wolf Marks each day.
Extreme Roulette Ffxiv
In addition to the extra Allagan tomestones, gil, and company seal rewards, there’s the adventurer-in-need bonus. This bonus rewards players who queue up as the role “in-need” for the Duty Roulette, or whichever role the queues are short on. You’ll gain an extra chunk of gil for doing this. Unlike the daily rewards themselves, you can keep running Duty Roulettes as adventurer-in-need as many times as you want.
Next to each Duty Roulette, you’ll see the blue, green, or red icons, denoting the adventurer-in-need as either the tank, healer, or DPS roles, respectively. It’s pretty common for Alliance raids to have DPS in-need, since these always need 15 DPS total, with only three tanks and six healers in comparison. The other roulettes bounce around between tank and healer as the roles in-need. But sometimes you’ll see tank or healer for Alliance raids, or DPS for other roulettes.
Running your daily Duty Roulettes is a great way to passively make gil over time, especially as the adventurer-in-need. It’s consistent, it’s reliable, and it only costs you time. Sure, you’ll have to repair your gear every so often, but that’s the case with all battle content in the game. If you’re not a fan of dealing with the market board for your gil, this is a great alternative.
Frontline Roulette Ffxiv
The post How to use the Duty Roulette in Final Fantasy XIV appeared first on Gamepur.
Picking up the Blue Mage class in Final Fantasy 14 is one heck of a task. It’s a class that’s kinda pushed away from everyone else, and thus is incredibly hard to actually level up by standard routes. You can’t do normal dungeon crawls (without other Blue Mages to manually join you) and you’re asked to fight basic opponents constantly. That’s because Blue Mages learn spells from watching opponents attack, and then copying those special moves. Now that Shadowbringers is out, getting to max level is a little harder than it was in the past… And yet, if you have some friends and a bit of luck, it’s not too hard to get to level 60! So, grab a buddy at level 80 and read on through our FFXIV Blue Mage Leveling Guide.
Blue Mage Leveling Guide
In order to begin your journey, you need a “tag” skill. This skill will deal a small amount of damage to a monster from a safe distance. Water cannon can work, but a cast time of 2.5 is a little dangerous. Sticky Tongue can guarantee hits, so you don’t have to deal with missing. Once you get to level 30, learn Flying Sardine from the Apkallu in Eastern La Noscea (x27, y35). This is an instant-cast, range 25 ability, so you can run-and-gun quite easily with it.
Actually Leveling Up
Blue mages gain levels fast from slaying mobs outside of dungeons. Thanks to FFXIV’s Kill Streak, killing a ton of mobs outside of dungeons levels you fast. So, if you can get a high-level friend, have them not be in a party with you. Then, run around an area that you and your friend feel comfortable with. You don’t want the enemies to be too high level; the game is getting better at picking up exploits like that. Try to have them be 10-20 levels higher at maximum.
Shoot one water cannon at the enemy (that hits them). And then, once they’ve aggro’d on you, run. Your friend should kill it quickly (another reason not to have them fight level 80 enemies!) to avoid your death. If you can find enemies that prefer melee attacks, that would be easier for your friend.
This will not get you a ton of Blue Mage spells. Once you’re level 50-60, it might behoove you to get some of those Blue Mage skills from enemies outside of a dungeon in order to better enter the level 60 dungeon roulette… To get actual Blue Mage skills!
What Spells Are Best?
Since you get spells by watching monsters perform the attack, your list of options are slightly limited. For your full list of options, please use the fantastic FFXIV wiki! That will give you the full use of options and the location of those options.
Blue Mages can be placed into any of the three roles; tank, magical DPS, and healing.

- Exuviation: Big ol’ healing spell! Grabbed from Abalathian Wamura. You might want to pull two enemies for this one.
- Pom Cure: Heals your entire party for 500! That’s crazy! But you need to get to the point where you can do Thornmarch, on either Hard or Extreme.

- Mighty Guard: This is essentially your Tank Stance. You have to learn 10 Blue Mage spells and you get this from just getting the Totem from Wayward Gaheel Ja.
- Frog Legs: Learned from the Poroggos in the Dravinian Hinterlands (x12, y34). This provokes all enemies around you; similar to Provoke for normal Tanks.
- Cactguard: You reduce damage taken by the entire party by 15%! That’s legitimately strong, but you learn it from the Sabotender Guardia in the Sunken Temple of Qarn. So… A bit of a pain.
Most blue mage spells are DPS! Learn whatever you want, though remember that your best spells will be from dungeons or trials!
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Ffxiv Roulette Experience
Nerds and Scoundrels
Duty Roulette Ffxiv
That wraps up our FFXIV Blue Mage Leveling Guide. Questions? Concerns? Hit us up in the comment section below!