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Följande publikationer finns i Fordonssystems databas.
Journal Papers
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2017] | Optimal stationary control of diesel engines using periodic control. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2017). In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 231(4). |
[Eriksson and Sivertsson, 2016] | Calculation of Optimal Heat Release Rates under Constrained Conditions. Lars Eriksson, and Martin Sivertsson (2016). In: SAE International Journal of Engines, 9(2):1143--1162. |

[Eriksson and Sivertsson, 2015] | Computing Optimal Heat Release Rates in Combustion Engines. Lars Eriksson, and Martin Sivertsson (2015). In: SAE International Journal of Engines, 8(2). |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2015] | Design and evaluation of energy management using map-based ECMS for the PHEV benchmark. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2015). In: Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP, 70(1):195--211. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2015] | Optimal Transient Control Trajectories in Diesel-Electric Systems-Part 1: Modeling, Problem Formulation and Engine Properties. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2015). In: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(2). |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2015] | Optimal Transient Control Trajectories in Diesel-Electric Systems-Part 2: Generator and Energy Storage Effects. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2015). In: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(2). |

[Nezhadali et al., 2014] | Turbocharger dynamics influence on optimal control of diesel engine powered systems. Vaheed Nezhadali, Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2014). In: SAE International Journal of Engines 7(1):6-13, 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-0290, 7(1). |
[Sciarretta et al., 2014] | A control benchmark on the energy management of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. A. Sciarretta, L. Serrao, P. C. Dewangan, P. Tona, E. N. D. Bergshoeff, C. Bordons, L. Charmpa, Ph. Elbert, L. Eriksson, T. Hofman, M. Hubacher, P. Isenegger, F. Lacandia, A. Laveau, H. Li, D. Marcos, T. Nüesch, S. Onori, P. Pisu, J. Rios, E. Silvas, M. Sivertsson, L. Tribioli, A.-J. van der Hoeven, and M. Wu (2014). In: Control Engineering Practice, 29:287--298. |
Conference Papers
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2017] | Optimal Powertrain Lock-Up Transients for a Heavy Duty Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2017). In: IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France. |
[Eriksson and Sivertsson, 2016] | Calculation of Optimal Heat Release Rates under Constrained Conditions. Lars Eriksson, and Martin Sivertsson (2016). In: SAE International Congress and Exposition. Volume SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0812. Detroit, MI, USA. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2015] | Model and discretization impact on oscillatory optimal control for a diesel-electric powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2015). In: 4th IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling ECOSM'15. Columbus, USA. |
[Eriksson and Sivertsson, 2015] | Computing Optimal Heat Release Rates in Combustion Engines. Lars Eriksson, and Martin Sivertsson (2015). In: SAE International Congress and Exposition. Volume SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0882. Detriot, MI, USA. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2014] | Modeling for Optimal Control: A Validated Diesel-Electric Powertrain Model. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2014). In: SIMS 2014 - 55th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling. Aalborg, Denmark. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2014] | An Optimal Control Benchmark: Transient Optimization of a Diesel-Electric Powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2014). In: SIMS 2014 - 55th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling. Aalborg, Denmark. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2014] | Optimal and real-time control potential of a diesel-electric powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2014). In: IFAC World Congress. Cape Town, South Africa. |
[Nezhadali et al., 2014] | Turbocharger Dynamics Influence on Optimal Control of Diesel Engine Powered Systems. Vaheed Nezhadali, Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2014). In: SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition. Volume SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-0290. Detroit, Michigan, United States. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2013] | Generator Effects on the Optimal Control of a Power Assisted Diesel-Electric Powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2013). In: IEEE VPPC 2013 -- The 9th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. Beijing, China. |

[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2013] | Optimal Transient Control and Effects of a Small Energy Storage for a Diesel-Electric Powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2013). In: AAC'13 -- 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control. Tokyo, Japan. |
[Bachmann et al., 2012] | Parallel Multiple-Shooting and Collocation Optimization with OpenModelica. Bernhard Bachmann, Lennart Ochel, Vitalij Ruge, Mahder Gebremedhin, Peter Fritzson, Vaheed Nezhadali, Lars Eriksson, and Martin Sivertsson (2012). In: Modelica 2012 -- 9th International Modelica Conference. Munich, Germany. |
[Sivertsson, 2012] | Adaptive Control Using Map-Based ECMS for a PHEV. Martin Sivertsson (2012). In: E-COSM'12 -- IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling. Paris, France. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2012] | Time and Fuel Optimal Power Response of a Diesel-Electric Powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2012). In: E-COSM'12 -- IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling. Paris, France. |
Martin Sivertsson Poker Tour
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2012] | Optimal Short Driving Mission Control for a Diesel-Electric Powertrain. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2012). In: IEEE VPPC 2012 -- The 8th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference. Seoul, Korea. |
[Sivertsson and Eriksson, 2012] | Optimal Step Responses in Diesel-Electric Systems. Martin Sivertsson, and Lars Eriksson (2012). In: Mechatronics'12 -- The 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference. Linz, Austria. |
[Sivertsson et al., 2011] | Adaptive Control of a Hybrid Powertrain with Map-based ECMS. Martin Sivertsson, Christofer Sundström, and Lars Eriksson (2011). In: IFAC World Congress. Milano, Italy. |
Martin Sivertsson Poker Tournament
Doctoral Thesis
[Sivertsson, 2015] | Optimal Control of Electrified Powertrains. Martin Sivertsson (2015). PhD thesis, No. 1661, Linköping University. |
Master's Thesis
[Sivertsson, 2010] | Optimization of Fuel Consumption in a Hybrid Powertrain. Martin Sivertsson (2010). Masters thesis, LiTH-ISY-EX-10/4376--SE, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping. |
Martin Sivertsson
Ph.D. Student
Institutionen för Systemteknik
Linköpings Universitet
S-581 83 Linköping
Telefon: +46 (0)13 - 28 4630
Fax: +46 (0)13 - 28 2035
Kontor: B-huset, entré-plan, rum 2D:467
Informationsansvarig: Martin Sivertsson
Senast uppdaterad: 2013-11-14