Online Poker Bankroll Challenge
This whole challenge was to build an exclusive poker bankroll, not use outside funds and fund my trip to Vegas this summer. So, turn $23.23 into $6000 in 110 days from start to jumping on a plane. Right in the middle of all this, there are 17 days that I will be on vacation. My online bankroll stands at $2.13. However, I've decided to make a serious attempt to qualify online for the World Series of Poker Main Event. Pokerstars has lots of interesting satellite opportunities, and the one I prefer is the Steps qualifier.

Lately my issue has been losing in home games. I'm afraid my play has become too predictable. Am I running bad? Playing too many hands? I've focused on not playing out of position. I'm really confused about why my results have changed over the past several months. I think the remedy is some time off.

Maybe I'll hone my skills online at low stakes for a while, and go back to the live game refreshed and less confused.